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Silhouette Electrostatic Mat for White Cameo 5 & Cameo 5 Plus - 12 x 12

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Product Name
Silhouette Electrostatic Mat for White Cameo 5 & Cameo 5 Plus - 12 x 12
Product Description

The Electrostatic Mat attachment for the Cameo 5 makes loading and unloading materials cleaner and easier than ever before. It gives firmer holds to your delicate materials* without damaging them while removing them from the mat. The Electrostatic Mat has an electrically conductive network that builds up static electricity to hold materials in place during cutting. Because the material can be held without an adhesive mat it is now possible to cut materials without damaging them upon removal. Additionally when unloading the cut project there is no tearing or curling and clean-up is a breeze. *The Electrostatic Mat works best with smooth non-permeable materials. Materials with a heavy texture will not work with the Electrostatic Mat. Works with Cameo 5 & Cameo 5 Plus Cameo 5 Sold Separately

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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