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Disney Firebuds Let s Roll 4 Piece Toddler Bed Set

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Product Name
Disney Firebuds Let s Roll 4 Piece Toddler Bed Set
Product Description

Firebuds to the Rescue! The Disney Firebuds Let s Roll 4 Piece Toddler Bed Set Includes a Comforter Fitted Bottom Sheet Flat Top Sheet and Reversible Pillowcase. Measuring 42 x 57 this action-packed comforter features first responders Bo with BFF Flash Fireson the fire engine Jayden with police car Piston Porter and Violet with ambulance Axl Ambrose. Designed with words that say Let s Roll! Comes in shades of red bright blue and yellow. The reverse side of the comforter and both toddler sheets are bright blue. The top sheet measures 45 x 60 . The fitted bottom sheet measures 28 x 52 and includes full elastic for a safe and snug fit. The 30 x 20 reversible standard pillowcase features Flash Piston and Axl with words that say Firebuds to the Rescue!

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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