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Pre-Owned Napoleon s Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History (Paperback) 1585423319 9781585423316

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Napoleon s Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History (Paperback) 1585423319 9781585423316
Product Description

Napoleon s Buttons is the fascinating account of seventeen groups of molecules that have greatly influenced the course of history. These molecules provided the impetus for early exploration and made possible the voyages of discovery that ensued. The molecules resulted in grand feats of engineering and spurred advances in medicine and law; they determined what we now eat drink and wear. A change as small as the position of an atom can lead to enormous alterations in the properties of a substance-which in turn can result in great historical shifts. With lively prose and an eye for colorful and unusual details Le Couteur and Burreson offer a novel way to understand the shaping of civilization and the workings of our contemporary world.

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March 4, 2025

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