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Kick-Ass Cannabis & Veggies (Paperback)

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Product Name
Kick-Ass Cannabis & Veggies (Paperback)
Product Description

Learning to garden in a natural Earth-friendly way seems accessible to only the most experienced of gardeners. But Kip Zonderkop brings organic gardening within anyone s reach in Kick-Ass Cannabis & Veggies. Equal parts how-to and how-come this book outlines an easy-to-follow 8-step process that anybody can use to cultivate killer cannabis and veggies and also explains the soil science and permaculture principles behind the 8 steps. These tricks hacks and techniques give the home gardener the necessary foundation for a thriving indoor or outdoor garden. Jam-packed with helpful tips links and fantastic resources Kick-Ass Cannabis & Veggies is the perfect launch pad for newbie organic pot gardeners who aren t afraid of getting their hands dirty. And for those who aren t big DIYers Kip provides lots of short-cuts along the way too.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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