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Si Le Das Un Panecillo a Un Alce: If You Give a Moose a Muffin (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)

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Si Le Das Un Panecillo a Un Alce: If You Give a Moose a Muffin (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
Product Description

This high-quality Spanish-language book can be enjoyed by fluent Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language whether at home or in a classroom. Esta secuela hilarante Si le das una galletita a un ratón presenta a otro invitado sorpresa. Si un gran alce con hambre viene de visita es posible darle un muffin para que se sienta como en casa. Si le das un panecillo querrá un poco de mermelada para ir con ella. Cuando él ha comido todos sus panecillos querrá ir a la tienda a comprar un poco de mezcla más para el panecillo. Los niños y niñas se deleitarán con las divertidas complicaciones que suceden cuando un niño trata de entretener a un alce. Moose makes his debut in this picture book in the beloved #1 New York Times bestselling If You Give... series! If a big hungry moose comes to visit you might give him a muffin to make him feel at home. If you give him a muffin he ll want some jam to go with it. When he s eaten all your muffins he ll want to go to the store to get some more muffin mix. In this hilarious sequel to the beloved If You Give a Mouse a Cookie the young host is again run ragged by a surprise guest. Young readers will delight in the comic complications that follow when a little boy entertains a gregarious moose. This classic book is the perfect gift for young readers who like to giggle.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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