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Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT (Paperback)
Product Description

This book contains everything you need to know in order to achieve your full potential on the ACT examination for college admission. The book is divided into two parts: - The first part contains a review of the math topics that are on the test. For each math topic there is a lesson homework problems in multiple choice format and answer explanations. - The second part contains advice about how to prepare and take the test. It describes a base strategy for taking the test how to establish your target score and the correct pacing for your target score. It then describes a practice test taking cycle that you should follow using The Real ACT Prep Guide. The second part also contains general techniques that can be used to solve problems along with a mapping of these to The Real ACT Prep Guide. Written by an active math tutor the material in this book has been used by more than 5 000 students and has been field tested over and over.

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January 14, 2025

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