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Buy Smart: What you need to know when investing in UK properties (Paperback)

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Buy Smart: What you need to know when investing in UK properties (Paperback)
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Divided into three sections this book is designed to help anyone who wants to purchase a property in the UK to have a more enjoyable and productive buying experience. This book is an invaluable asset for anyone entering the property market - London Property Review South As an overseas investor if you are buying a property in the UK this book is a MUST! It will answer questions that you didn t know you needed to ask! Very informative and very reliable... - The Wharf An insightful source of property wisdom - essential reading for those looking to invest with success in the UK market - Abode 2 luxury property magazine I hope that you enjoy this wonderful insight and congratulate Sally for her hard work and initiative - Lord David Evans

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March 4, 2025

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