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Leading for Social Justice: Transforming Schools for All Learners (Paperback)

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Leading for Social Justice: Transforming Schools for All Learners (Paperback)
Product Description

\ An opportunity for aligning educational programming within schools to provide a comprehensive PreK-12 experience with the results districts are looking for: students exceeding their potential and having the skills knowledge and long-term understandings that can be applied to real-world problems.\ --Brian T. Pulvino Director of Special Education Syracuse City School District NY \ A must-read for teachers principals directors and superintendents as they advance equity and excellence for all children.\ --Barbara J. Sramek Director of Special Education Marshall Public Schools WI An insightful guide for integrating comprehensive services to benefit all students. Acknowledging that student achievement increases in inclusive learning environments and decreases when groups are taught separately this easily accessible guide examines methods for raising the achievement of English Language Learners and students with special needs who are sometimes overlooked in a culture of high-stakes testing. The authors provide a step-by-step process for conducting a formative analysis to help schools integrate schoolwide change through proactive support services. Readers will find ways to: Examine discrepancies between current practice and research Build a school climate that supports students with challenging behaviors Implement programs focused on continuous equity-driven accountability Develop curriculum instruction and teacher capacity Ideal for special education teachers directors of special education and other district administrators this excellent resource can help you develop an instructional climate to promote success for every student!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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