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Swenglish (Paperback)

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Swenglish (Paperback)
Product Description

Louise was coming up to her 30th birthday. She d achieved her ambitions and wasn t sure what to do next. Born in Sweden but a resident of Brighton she had to either change things by moving back to her home country or commit to being English. She came up with a novel way to investigate the two options. Lou wrote to 120 people some English and some Swedish. She then chose 15 English people and 15 Swedish spending a week shadowing each of them and writing about the experience. Louise Halvardsson is a novelist and a performance poet. Her debut novel Punkindustriell hårdrockare med attityd ( Punk industrial hard rocker with attitude ) was published in Sweden in 2007 and won an award for Best Newcomer in Young Adult fiction.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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