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Gluten-Free with No Apologies: Southern-Style & Comfort Food Recipes-Taste So Good You Won t Have to Apologize That They re Gluten-Free! (Paperback)

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Gluten-Free with No Apologies: Southern-Style & Comfort Food Recipes-Taste So Good You Won t Have to Apologize That They re Gluten-Free! (Paperback)
Product Description

Gluten-free with No Apologies: Southern-style & comfort food recipes-taste so good you won t have to apologize that they re gluten-free! was written and produced by the mother/daughter team of Deberah Williams and Amelia Cronic. Cronic is a former counselor and mother of three including one child with special needs and multiple allergies and one who is gluten-intolerant. She launched a quest several years ago to provide foods that met her childrens nutritional needs and that also tasted good. Deberah Williams a graphic artist and experienced book and publication designer began helping her come up with recipes including southern family favorites handed down from generations of amazing cooks. At this point people began recommending they collaborate on a cookbook and the idea is now a reality.

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March 4, 2025

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