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Indent Publishing: If It Ain t Baroque: More Music History as It Ought to Be Taught (Paperback)

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Product Name
Indent Publishing: If It Ain t Baroque: More Music History as It Ought to Be Taught (Paperback)
Product Description

Not content with having hilariously skewered the lives of great composers in Bach Beethoven and the Boys in If It Ain t Baroque . . . musical humorist David W. Barber takes aim at their works as well. From symphonies to solo songs from motets to madrigals to masses Barber wittily yet informatively tells readers everything they need to know (and more!) about the various different genres of classical music (and if you re not sure what a genre is don t worry---Barber will explain that too). As always the facts are true and the information is accurate it s just that Barber has a particularly wicked way of looking at things and a knack for finding out obscure facts and presenting them in a light-hearted way. So if you like to laugh while you learn you ve come to the right place. And again as always Barber s clever prose is perfectly accompanied by the delightful illustrations of cartoonist Dave Donald.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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