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Experiencing Colorado Wine Volume 2

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Product Name
Experiencing Colorado Wine Volume 2
Product Description

Want to know where exceptional wines of world-class quality are to be found in Colorado? Colorado s white gold is waiting to be mined with glass in hand and taste buds at the ready. Yes Colorado wine has come of age. You will be introduced to prestigious best in the world wines grapes of excellent quality winemakers with impressive training and most importantly wines that can compete with any region in the $20 to $40 range - and win. They have! It s time to experience Colorado white wines in world-class mountain splendor. This premier guide to Colorado wines will: Introduce you to the white grapes and wines of Colorado Educate you about Colorado wine its wineries and winemakers Direct you to quality in your chosen style of wine Let you see the wines through the winemaker s eyes Stir pleasurable emotions and motivate you to rush to the store In this Top of the World wine experience knowledgable tasters offer you their perspectives on the wines they tasted and the stories behind the wines will energize your conversations.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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