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I Am Pretty Enough (Paperback)

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Product Name
I Am Pretty Enough (Paperback)
Product Description

One of the most important things a girl could ever do is love every part of herself from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. But this is not easy for every girl to do. It is hard for some girls to love every part of themselves due to having poor self-image self-esteem self-worth and self-confidence. When a girl struggles in these areas it can have a negative effect on her. She can easily find herself going through life being fearful making bad choices settling for less having unhealthy friendships and relationships and so many other unfavorable things. I struggled with poor self-image a child and a young adult. I later learned that these things were preventing me from moving forward. After I developed a personal relationship with God I realized that He was the One who was responsible for creating me and He did not make any mistakes on me. I began to thank and appreciate my Creator for my uniqueness ( one of a kind one of me ) and beauty. I learned to love myself the way God loves me. I started telling myself: I am a beautiful Gem and God loves me. These words served as my self-esteem booster. They helped me to form a different outlook on life and become more confident about my future.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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