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Men s Adventure Library Cryptozoology Anthology: Strange and Mysterious Creatures in Men s Adventure Magazines Book 3 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Men s Adventure Library Cryptozoology Anthology: Strange and Mysterious Creatures in Men s Adventure Magazines Book 3 (Paperback)
Product Description

cryptozoology (n.) The search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is unsubstantiated or in dispute such as Sasquatch the Loch Ness Monster fish with human hands the Yeti the Thunderbird the Ape-Man Monster of Tennessee and the Thing at Dutchman s Rig. For three decades when American men had questions about the Yeti the Loch Ness Monster Bigfoot and other weird beasts from the strange world of cryptozoology they found answers in the hard-hitting pages of men s adventure magazines. Now collected here for the first time ever are samples of sensational period reporting and wild true accounts of savage fist-to-claw duels between man and Sasquatch man and fishman man and monster! Plus full-color vintage pulp artwork that accompanied the stories original publication rare archival discoveries men s pulp history expert analysis cryptid-by-cryptid commentary and much much more. This latest installment in the Men s Adventure Library is edited by Robert Deis of David Coleman (THE BIGFOOT FILMOGRAPHY) and Wyatt Doyle (STOP REQUESTED) and includes contributions from luminaries in the field such as Sir Arthur C. Clarke John Keel and many others. CRYPTOZOOLOGY ANTHOLOGY is packed with 13 biting tales of creatures notorious and obscure! Don t leave civilization without it! (Pleae note: the deluxe hardcover edition includes bonus material exclusive to that edition including an additional wild story rescued from obscurity.)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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