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The Raw Milk Answer Book: What You Really Need to Know about Our Most Controversial Food

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The Raw Milk Answer Book: What You Really Need to Know about Our Most Controversial Food
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Finally a serious and candid conversation about raw milk unlike any that has ever occurred in the many years since raw milk became a subject of contentious debate. The Raw Milk Answer Book raises the most difficult questions surrounding our most controversial food--about the risk of getting seriously ill whether it should be fed to children the credibility of European research indicating raw milk has important healing powers --and answers them in calm non-ideological terms understandable to beginners and experienced drinkers alike. It is an engaging conversation unblinking in its focus on real-world data unafraid to take issue with wild claims on either side of the raw milk controversy. So controversial is raw milk that obtaining believable information about it has become nearly impossible. On one side proponents often portray raw milk as a miracle food. In their view it strengthens the immune system so as to reduce our incidence of health problems small and large--from colds and flu to cancer diabetes asthma and allergies--and being extremely safe to boot. On the other side opponents portray raw milk as having no more health or nutritional value than the pasteurized variety that can be bought in any supermarket. They also view it as one of the most dangerous foods known to mankind--so inherently dangerous it can kill you. Obviously both sides can t be correct. What is the real story? The Raw Milk Answer Book provides the real story by answering more than 200 of the most common questions that come up about raw milk. It is objective and fair. I took the question-and-answer approach because whenever I tell people that I write and report about raw milk I am nearly always asked a long list of questions. For example: -Is it safe? -Is it really healthier than pasteurized milk? -Can I get the same nutritional benefits by drinking pasteurized organic milk? -Is raw milk legal to sell in my state? -How do I locate a source to buy it from? -What is a herd share or cow share arrangement? -How do I determine if a particular dairy is producing safe raw milk? -Should I serve raw milk to my children to improve their health? -If there is even a single child getting sick from raw milk shouldn t it be banned? -What if my spouse and I adamantly disagree about serving raw milk to our family? One question stands out though: Why is a book necessary to help decide whether to consume a particular food? We don t have books (beyond recipe books) to help people decide whether they want to eat hamburgers or peanut butter or cantaloupe or raw spinach or even pasteurized milk even though each of these foods has made many people including children very sick and actually killed some. So polarized has the debate become and so intractable are the positions that individuals trying to make an informed decision about whether to commit to raw milk aren t sure what to do or whom to believe. Prominent readers of my book are enthusiastic that I have helped bridge this wide gap. Here are some of their comments: From Virginia farmer and author Joel Salatin: Gumpert churns out every answer to every conceivable question in the raw milk controversy. A delightful must-read. From Joseph Heckman Ph.D. Professor Soil Science Rutgers University Past Chair of the Organic Management Systems Community in the American Society Agronomy. David Gumpert explains in clear and lucid prose why more people are making raw drinking milk their personal choice. And beyond that he provides valuable guidance on food safety a review of the evidence for health benefits and sound advice on sourcing this special food. From Mark Kastel co-founder and Senior Farm Policy Analyst Cornucopia Institute: Thanks to journalist David Gumpert for writing such an easily digestible primer on such a complex subject.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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