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How to Beat the Energy Thieves: How to Beat the Energy Thieves and Make Your Life Better - Book 2 (Paperback)

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How to Beat the Energy Thieves: How to Beat the Energy Thieves and Make Your Life Better - Book 2 (Paperback)
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In Book 2 of his How to Beat the Energy Thieves series Jess Miller shows how your emotions can get into control of the energy you are and steal it away from you. Anger and fear are two of the most powerful emotions that work against you by getting you to react to situations in ways that guarantee they take over your energy. Using road rage as an example Jess lays out how this all consuming anger can change you from a usually placid person into someone you hardly recognise as experienced by those who after coming under the influence of road rage feel remorse and shame once their anger subsides and can t believe they acted the way they did when road rage was controlling their energy. Jess s advice: when a powerful emotion such as anger strikes immediately recognise what s going on take a step back and think hard about whether you want to go down this potentially damaging road or stay in control of your energy so that you stop anger from hurting you and others. Fear works on differing levels some where you become totally terrified and some that work quietly away on deeper levels within you in the form of stress. The system we live under likes to wrap fear up in clever words such as: apprehension concern nervousness self-doubt worry etc. but behind each of these words lies fear so all of them are your enemies because they create stress that damages you within. Your fears never help you they only bring you down and once you learn how to master your fears remove your energy from them and leave them behind you can change your life massively for the better. Jess brings perspective to the problem that affects so many of us - eating far too much! His answer lies in the ancient closely guarded secret Formula for Life. He also shows how people all around you in life including those close to you can be stealing your energy and dictating to you how you will be while you are here which they have no right to do because it s your energy to manage not theirs. Do you understand why when you are suffering in the middle of a major problem someone who isn t involved can often shine a light into what seemed to be nothing but darkness? That s because the problem isn t consuming any of their energy whereas it s stealing all of yours and that s why when you re in the middle of it you can t see your way out. Most of us have experienced things that still live on in our past and keep hurting us in the present. These are traumas some of which dull with times but others just sit there and hurt us every day. Jess gives you the hugely powerful exercise he has used to help many people get the better of traumas that still hurt them. In How to Beat the Energy Thieves and Make Your Life Better - Book2 Jess takes you further down the road to understanding how to manage and guard your great gift of energy constantly bringing you unique perspectives to help you manage your energy in better ways so you can find your course through the daily minefield of Energy Thieves we all face. Book Contents: A New Beginning Understanding Energy - The System The Great Reactionary Honesty The Question Good and Evil The Passing of Time. Energy Thieves Within Your Emotions - Fear T-Rex The D-Words Making Transition Credo s Proverb Loneliness Big Event Nerves Testing Yourself Wherever I Hang My Hat Giving Talks Beating Fear Anger Think Thief! Hatred Envy Greed Lying Selfishness Arguing Stress. Food - The New Bodies (NB s) Food s Secret Secret The Mystery of the Line The Mystery of the Other Line Moby Dick! Taking Your Energy Back! That Nasty Little Feeling! Major Problems - Financial Wipe Out. People - Energy Thieves in the People Around You. How to Win - Becoming a Winner. No Regrets Managing Your Energy Another 50 Ways to Help Someone

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March 4, 2025

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