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Knowing Other-Wise: Epistemology at the Threshold of Spirituality (Paperback) by James H Olthuis

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Product Name
Knowing Other-Wise: Epistemology at the Threshold of Spirituality (Paperback) by James H Olthuis
Product Description

9780823217816. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 268. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 268 p. Perspectives in Continental Philosophy. Recent discussions in the various circles of feminism postmodernism and environmentalism have begun to make clear that ontology and epistemology without ethics is deadly - oppressive to women oppressive to men oppressive to the earth. In response to this crisis of reason in modernity this collection of essays suggests the importance of knowing other-wise non-rational ways of knowing which are wise to the other - a spiritual knowing of the heart with the passionate eye of love. Knowing Other-wise calls into question the Western philosophical tradition of giving pride of place to reason in the acquisition of knowledge. Reasoning is only one of many ways in which we engage i.e. know the world. We know more than we think. We know by touch by feel by taste by sight by sounds by smell by symbols by sex by trust - by means of every modality of human experience. Philosophy becomes in the fashion of Levinas the wisdom of love at the service of love. Tracing connections between epistemology ethics and spirituality - between knowing and the other between an other and the Other - all the essays serve as points of convergence between postmodern discussions and the Calvinian spirituality which is the home for writers in this collection. In particular this collection explores the contributions of feminist thought and thinkers such as Emmanuel Levinas Richard Rorty Jacqes Derrida and John D. Caputo to a spiritually and ethically sensitive knowing.

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March 4, 2025

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