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The True Path : Western Science And The Quest For Yoga (Paperback)

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Product Name
The True Path : Western Science And The Quest For Yoga (Paperback)
Product Description

In The True Path Duke psychiatrist Roy J. Mathew draws on his own extensive knowledge of neuroscience as he looks at the centuries-old Indian idea that spirituality is a state of mind-a higher form of consciousness. Mathew shows how the latest brain research demonstrates that activities such as prayer music art nature intuitive knowledge altruism and meditation stimulate the non-dominant hemisphere of the brain. Spirituality is intimately connected to this area of the brain and must be accessed-according to Indian philosophy-by removing the sheaths of everyday life. With scientific evidence that this pure consciousness truly exists Mathew shows readers how to use meditation yoga and other traditional methods of contemplation to achieve this spiritual state of mind.

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March 4, 2025

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