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Blackstar St. James Toby Lee signature 50W 6L6 Head and Cabinet

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Product Name
Blackstar St. James Toby Lee signature 50W 6L6 Head and Cabinet
Product Description

The St. James Toby Lee signature 50W 6L6 head and matching cab brings the groundbreaking features of the St. James 50 6L6 in a limited boutique styling with red tolex and basketweave fret. Blackstar recognize a true talent in Toby both for today and the future. Whether someone knows Toby or not they will be spellbound by this stunning combination of handpicked cosmetics coupled with the world s lightest most revolutionary and cutting-edge valve amp the St. James. Features: • 50 Watt head and matching 2x12 cabinet • Boutique styling with red tolex basketweave fret cream piping and chickenhead knobs • Less than half the weight of a traditional valve amp (13.22lbs head) • USB audio output with Cab Rig advanced DSP cabinet simulator • Two footswitchable channels and footswitchable channel II boost (footswitch included) • Power reduction down to 5W or Sag mode for vintage compression and feel • Studio quality digital reverb and effects loop IMPORTANT: This item is Oversize; it requires Freight shipping.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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