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Conversations with Gio : Life Is Not about You

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Conversations with Gio : Life Is Not about You
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Conversations with Gio will captivate you uplift you and completely change the way you view and live your life.In this ironclad read Coach Theo outlines powerful game-changing principles that have drastically transformed him from a failing college student on a path of self-destruction to a successful business owner motivational speaker positive role model to thousands of youth and a faith family and fitness coach to hundreds of people in his community. He sheds his enlightening perspective on all of life s pivotal topics: Fitness. Faith. Success. Money. Love. Service. The Mental Game. And much much more.Do you want to become a more compassionate parent? A better coach? A serving spouse? A champion athlete? A focused student? A thriving entrepreneur? An active Christian?Then dive in and immerse yourself into Conversations with Gio. But get ready. You ll never emerge the same. It s an absolute life-changer. I sat there staring at this little three-month old baby during a midnight feeding. Gio was so young and vulnerable. I couldn t believe God trusted me with this child. I couldn t believe he blessed me with him either. A huge sense of emotion took over----WHAT A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY this is to be a parent. How am I going to handle this? How can I be a great father? How will I raise this boy in such a chaotic world? What will I teach him?Then the idea came. I needed to map out all of my life lessons---the mistakes the failures the successes. I needed to outline my perspective on the world we live in. I needed to capture the secret I ve found to living a life full of meaning and purpose. A manual. A guidebook. Something that will help me to remember what to teach and instill in Gio as he grows up.And if I were to die before I can teach Gio these things he now has my words stamped on these pages to always refer to. So I started writing. WHY SHARE?This book is full of life lessons and principles that apply to everyone---Coaches Parents Teachers Athletes Students Kids Adults Men Women Mothers Fathers HUMANS. After sharing a few snippets in blogs and getting such positive responses I realized that a lot of people can benefit from this fresh perspective. I decided to share publicly with everyone. Even if we ve heard it before it never hurts to hear it again. - Coach Theo In Conversations with Gio Theo explores the most fundamental issues of parenthood and the lessons we seek to pass on to our children. Anyone who s spent any time with Theo understands his incredible faith authenticity warmth compassion energy and enthusiasm for life. Through his actions and now his book Theo continues to inspire me to become a better parent to my daughters. Chris AntonettiGeneral Manager Cleveland Indians (far more importantly Dad of Mya and Ella) Our children are like seeds. They have unlimited potential. It s our attention to and care for them that helps determine whether or not they reach it. Place them in good soil and provide plenty of sunshine and water and they grow to bear fruit and bring life to many for generations to come. Theo is doing something we should all be doing as parents. He s investing and sewing valuable principles into his children as a first priority. Conversations with Gio will inspire you to do the same and care for others in a manner that helps them bear fruit in the world for years to come. David Jack World-Class Fitness Performance Coach for Men s Health Reebok and ActivPrayer

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March 5, 2025

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