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Time Out for a Better Marriage: The Husband Guide Volume I (Paperback)

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Product Name
Time Out for a Better Marriage: The Husband Guide Volume I (Paperback)
Product Description

Do you know any wives with struggling husbands? Finally a book about relationships for women to give their guy that may actually make a difference. It is for husbands that do not see their role in marriage problems or know how to begin and where to start for successful repair. Time Out for a Better Marriage is a how-to manual that men will appreciate because it is an easy read only 88 pages. It provides a starting point for improving relationships written based on how men think and to what they best respond; simple clear and direct information. Time Out for a Better Marriage is the first volume of Ford Baker s new series The Husband Guide dedicated to giving guys the knowledge and tools to build a happier marriage. For more information visit http: //

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March 5, 2025

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