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Fit Paperback 0615497063 9780615497068 Lon Kilgore

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Product Name
Fit Paperback 0615497063 9780615497068 Lon Kilgore
Product Description

This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: Lon Kilgore ISBN10: 0615497063 ISBN13: 9780615497068 Fitness is hard. Very hard. Everyone knows it is but everyone is also willing to risk time and money on the mythology of easy fitness. If anyone ANYONE tells you that there is an EASY way to fitness they just want your money. FIT is a book about how to get fit. It defines what fitness is in measurable observable and real-world terms. There is no mumbo-jumbo just facts practical information and a logical approach to creating fitness from the first day of training through the day you reach your goal in fitness. No other training resource provides the reader the programming basics to specialize in one component of fitness or seamlessly program for comprehensive fitness and take the trainee from beginner to intermediate then to advanced and beyond - its a book for a lifetime of training. Exercise is dangerous - from 1 yard to 100 miles 1 pound to half a ton on land in the water on a bike - hazards abound and you need to pay attention to what your body tells you. But the body can adapt to much more than we give it credit for. If you use the concepts in FIT - no excuses no whining no shortcuts - and just get to the gym garage or wherever and train hard you will amaze yourself with results and how fast they are earned.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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