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The Cries of Men: Voices of Jamaican Men Who Have Been Raped and Sexually Abused

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Product Name
The Cries of Men: Voices of Jamaican Men Who Have Been Raped and Sexually Abused
Product Description

The Cries of Men tell the candid and true personal accounts of rape and sexual abuse from the voices of young Jamaican men. The Cries of Men shares the candid and true personal account of rape and sexual abuse from the voices of young Jamaican men. By providing an in-depth look into their secret lives author O Brien Dennis demonstrates how one act of sexual violence can have a devastating effect on adult survivors. The Cries of Men takes a virgin journey of homophobia in the realm of Jamaica s social fabric. Dennis reveals the powerful and intriguing stories of Jamaican male sexual abuse survivors but also divulges unknown facts about Jamaican society- including the concept that homosexuality is an evil act punishable by imprisonment of up to ten years of hard labor. Yet each week in Jamaica there are over fifteen reported cases of sexual abuse of young men and boys many more cases go unreported because men fear for their lives if they disclose the abuse. Dennis also provides a list of resources to assist in recovering from sexual abuse. The cries of men have been kept silent far too long in Jamaica. Dennis will inspire you with his own personal story of survival and will teach you that through the truth you can create your own happiness.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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