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Breaking Free: A Recovery Handbook for ``Facing Codependence (Paperback)

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Breaking Free: A Recovery Handbook for ``Facing Codependence (Paperback)
Product Description

In her pioneering Facing Codependence Pia Mellody traced the origins of codependence back to childhood and a wide range of emotional spiritual intellectual physical and sexual abuses. Now in this innovative new workbook she presents a step-by-step journal-keeping method for moving toward recovery from codependence. Based on such concepts as the \ precious child\ and the five core symptoms of codependence along with the Twelve-Step process of recovery used by Codependents Anonymous Breaking Free provides strategies and insights for attacking the fundamental problem in codependence--the lack of dependence on self. In a three-part approach to recovery Mellody first shows recovering codependents how to move beyond denial of their childhood history of abuse. She then offers techniques to identify concrete ways in which the symptoms of codependence operate in their lives. Finally Mellody guides users through the process of identifying and recording specific instances of improvement in their lives as an aid to greater self-awareness and further recovery.

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March 4, 2025

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