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The Principles of Ethics (Paperback)

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The Principles of Ethics (Paperback)
Product Description

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was an English philosopher best known for his scientific writings. Together with Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley he was responsible for the acceptance of the theory of evolution. His well-known essay on Education: Intellectual Moral and Physical was considered one of the most useful and profound books written on education. He projected a vast 10-volume work Synthetic Philosophy in which all phenomena are interpreted according to the principle of evolutionary progress. Although no longer influential in biology his extension of his theory of evolution to psychology and sociology remains important. His Social Darwinism was particularly influential on early evolutionary economists such as Thorstein Veblen. As subeditor of the Economist (1843-53) Spencer was an influential exponent of laissez-faire. His early book Social Statics (1851) was strongly tinged with an individualistic outlook.

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February 19, 2025

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