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The pH Balance Diet : Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight (Paperback)

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The pH Balance Diet : Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight (Paperback)
Product Description

Learn how to harness the vitally important acid-alkaline balance in your diet with this easy-to-follow guide to achieving a healthy equilibrium in your body s pH level. When naturally balanced your body is alkaline. But a diet high in meat dairy and sugar overwhelms your body with acidic waste resulting in weight gain low energy poor skin and brittle bones. The pH Balance Diet explains how to correct imbalances eliminate toxic overload and reverse acid buildup. It offers a gradual healthy approach to restoring your body s natural acid-alkaline balance including: Easy-to-follow three-phase program Tips on how to eat fewer acid-forming foods A handy quick list of the top 80 alkaline-forming foods Information on free radicals and antioxidants Includes over 40 quick and delicious recipes feature alkaline-forming ingredients such as avocados cantaloupe eggplant kiwis lentils mushrooms peppers rye bread salmon soymilk turkey and wild rice.

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March 4, 2025

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