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Ending the Drug Addiction Pandemic: Discovering the Liberating Truth (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ending the Drug Addiction Pandemic: Discovering the Liberating Truth (Paperback)
Product Description

Ending the Drug Addiction Pandemic: Discovering the Liberating Truth corrects disinformation about psychoactive drugs. Dr. James R. Milam Ph.D. was a decorated P-47 fighter-bomber pilot in the U.S. Air Force during World War II flying 86 combat missions. After the war he earned B.S. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in psychology at the University of Washington. He practiced as a licensed clinical psychologist before becoming the behavioral research director in a Seattle lab conducting research on alcoholism. For the first time ever his research revealed and documented the fact - soon confirmed by others - that alcoholism is a brain syndrome regularly misdiagnosed as a psychiatric problem and destructively treated with drugs and psychotherapy. He spent many years writing and lecturing on his discovery and co-founded several highly effective model addiction treatment centers. For 30 years his classic book Under the Influence (1981) based on his discovery has been a best seller in the field and the essential guide to effective treatment at addiction treatment centers. Millions of alcoholics owe their full recovery to this new understanding. About the Author Having officially retired 25 years ago James R. Milam Ph.D. says that once this book is published he can really retire at age 91. He wrote this book to bring awareness to the fact that millions of alcoholics and prescription drug addicts were callously being destroyed by disinformation. Publisher s website: http: //

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March 4, 2025

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