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Bitcoin for Nonmathematicians: Exploring the Foundations of Crypto Payments (Paperback)

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Product Name
Bitcoin for Nonmathematicians: Exploring the Foundations of Crypto Payments (Paperback)
Product Description

It s thoughtless to start using something you don t trust. It s difficult to start trusting something you don t understand. Bitcoin for Nonmathematicians contains answers to the following questions: how bitcoin is different from other payment systems and why we can trust cryptocurrencies. The book compares bitcoin with its predecessors and competitors and demonstrates the benefits of cryptocurrency over any other existing methods of payments. Bitcoin for Nonmathematicians starts from overview of the evolution of payment systems from gold and paper money to payment cards to cryptocurrencies and ends up with explaining the fundamentals of security and privacy of crypto payments by explaining the details of cryptography behind bitcoin in layman s terms.

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December 4, 2024

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