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Tidewater Virginia Families : A Magazine of History and Genealogy Volume 1 May 1992-Feb 1993 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Tidewater Virginia Families : A Magazine of History and Genealogy Volume 1 May 1992-Feb 1993 (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1992 following the publication of her award-winning book of the same name Virginia Hutcheson Davis launched Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy. Devoted to new research and information concerning Tidewater Virginia Mrs. Davis periodical would focus on Tidewater counties lying north of the James River namely Caroline Charles City Elizabeth City Essex Gloucester Hanover Henrico James City King and Queen King George King William Lancaster Mathews Middlesex New Kent Northumberland Richmond Warwick Westmoreland and York. Cognizant of the number of tidewater counties that have lost their records to courthouse fires war and the ravages of time Virginia Davis started her quarterly magazine in order to preserve or make accessible any number of records that had never before been published. Now in its sixth year of publication Tidewater Virginia Families is widely recognized as the best new source of valuable genealogical findings for Virginia s oldest area of settlement. Each volume is perfect bound and contains complete name indexes to the contents of all four issues. The five volumes range over Bible records lists of marriages abstracts of deeds and wills military records tax records and tithables guardianship records parish registers tombstone inscriptions and so on. Mrs. Davis has also sprinkled the magazine with a variety of methodological essays germaine to the Tidewater region including tracing Virginia ancestors county and parish formation records pertaining to burned counties vital statistics map collections and places of note. Finally each of the following families is featured in the tables of contents to the first twenty issues of the magazine: Alford Blakey Bland Bradway Broche Brown Burruss Butler Byrom Carr Carter Catesby Cathon Catlett Chiles Clements Cock Cole Downer Drake Dunbar Eubank Faulkner Garrett Hargrave Harrison Herring Higby Hill Hockaday Howerton Hubbard Hudgins Jones Ladd Latham Lewis Lumpkin McAdam Macon Medlicott Morris Moseley Munday Page Parrish Rogers Ross Sanders Shadwick Spiller Stiff Taylor Utie-Otey Vaughan Walden Washington Watkins Williams and Winston.

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