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Solidworks 2015: A Power Guide for Beginner and Intermediate Users (Paperback)

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Solidworks 2015: A Power Guide for Beginner and Intermediate Users (Paperback)
Product Description

SOLIDWORKS 2015: A Power Guide for Beginner and Intermediate Users textbook is designed for instructor-led courses as well as for self-paced learning. This textbook is intended to help engineers and designers who are interested in learning SOLIDWORKS for creating 3D mechanical design. It will be a great starting point for new SOLIDWORKS users and a great teaching aid in classroom training. This textbook contains of 13 chapters covering major environments of SOLIDWORKS: Part Assembly and Drawing which teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design software to build parametric models and assemblies and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies. This textbook is not only focuses on the uses of tools/commands of SOLIDWORKS but also on the concept of design. Every chapter of this textbook contains tutorials which intend to help user to experience how things can be done in SOLIDWORKS step by step. Moreover every chapter ends with hands-on test drives which allow users of this textbook to experience themselves the ease-of-use and powerful capabilities of SOLIDWORKS. Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Chapter 2. Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Chapter 3. Editing and Modifying Sketches Chapter 4. Applying Geometric Relations and Dimensions Chapter 5. Creating First/Base Feature of a Solid Model Chapter 6. Creating Reference Geometries Chapter 7. Advanced Modeling I Chapter 8. Advanced Modeling II Chapter 9. Patterning and Mirroring Chapter 10. Advanced Modeling III Chapter 11. Working with Assemblies I Chapter 12. Working with Assemblies II Chapter 13. Working with Drawing

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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