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Something to Think About : Wisdom and Inspiration for Daughters of All Ages (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Something to Think About : Wisdom and Inspiration for Daughters of All Ages (Hardcover)
Product Description

Something To Think About: - Each antidote triggers a spark of the already known rather then a big secret revealed. - Elevate your thoughts for they can take you to places you only dream of. - The confidence you gain with each page will provide the ultimate gift of believing in yourself. Each page of Something to Think About provided a different life lesson of love growth and grace and it blew me away. Mendicino s words of wisdom need to be heard by every single soul young and old. -Airaby Vaeda Mann Miss Mississippi Teen USA 2014; model; student A lovely read. This book presents a light set of daily reminders to keep the women of our youth genuine strong inspired and grounded as they face the unfamiliar and unanticipated challenges of growing up. I especially loved the inclusion of famous quotes from female influencers that inspired each piece; they were a wonderful representation of how women have shaped the world we live in today and continue to thrive in it. -Stephanie Apa marketing and real estate professional; former NBA dancer 2010-2013

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January 14, 2025

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