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The Beatitudes (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Beatitudes (Paperback)
Product Description

Christians are seen to be people living the greatest commandments in life as stated in Matthew 22:37-39: loving God with one s all and loving neighbors as oneself. Unfortunately examples of believers not conveying Christian behavior to others have become the norm for the Christian faith. Author Leonard Corcoran has witnessed several instances of this behavior but believes it is still possible for people to put on the mind of Christ and demonstrate Christ in word and action while seeing Him in others. His new advice book The Beatitudes: 9 Steps to Authentic Self-Love centers on educating readers to learn and embody Jesus Beatitudes from His Sermon on the Mount. Leonard combines the Beatitudes with Transactional Analysis to establish useful steps for strengthening assertive skills to encourage others and dissolve conflict in a godly manner. Beliefs determine behavior so as Christians love themselves they will love God and others as well.

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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