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Pursuing the Good Life : Reigniting your Passion for Living a Life that Matters! (Paperback)
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Pursuing the good life has been a quest for philosophers throughout recent human history as life became more than just surviving the many dangers of the day. A central question that has become even more important is What makes life worth living? In Pursuing the Good Life author Dr. Mark J. Britzman presents strategies to help you gain a more satisfying life experience. Offering more than psychological sound bites Pursuing the Good Life shows you how to explore a new path by developing a plan that fulfills the need for love and belonging empowerment fun and enjoyment freedom and independence and higher states of good health and wellness. Britzman addresses how to: - Live well - Gain integrity with relationships - Find meaningful work - Experience a sense of purpose In this self-improvement book Britzman provides an opportunity to self-evaluate and help you seize opportunities to make choices that are more life-enriching leading to a better present and future. Pursuing the good life entails clarifying your hopes and dreams finding an optimal direction that moves you closer to what you want self-evaluating the consequences of your choices and consistently developing a plan that is need-fulfilling.
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