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The Hidden Storm (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Hidden Storm (Paperback)
Product Description

Linda had what seemed to be a charmed life-two loving parents a lucrative career two beautiful homes a substantial bank account a supportive extended family and a stellar reputation. In a single day everything in Linda s life would change when her father died unexpectedly...leaving behind Linda s vulnerable mother who had Alzheimer s disease. Linda was already engaged in an ongoing struggle with a younger brother with schizoaffective disorder and suddenly she also became the caretaker of another brother who had Asperger s syndrome. Linda had been trained by the best for physical conflict: she went through her paces with the US Air Force the US Bureau of Prisons and the Miami-Dade Police Department. She was a respected and accomplished police officer but now she found herself facing a foe that was both invisible and seemingly impossible to conquer. Overwhelmed by the difficulties of finding herself the caretaker for her mother her brother and her newly adopted son Linda fell back on the greatest gift from her parents: her faith in God the greatest ally against any foe and a source of strength and comfort. The Hidden Storm is the surreal story of Linda s fight with her loved ones against mental illness and dementia...and how her advocacy and care was complicated by secrets lies and the confusion that accompanies Alzheimer s disease. Linda learned the grace of surrendering to the struggle and her compelling inspiring story is a remarkable resource for anyone who is facing similar challenges.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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