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Urban Crofting: A New Circle of Life Without Oil (Paperback)

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Urban Crofting: A New Circle of Life Without Oil (Paperback)
Product Description

Why do we read headlines about miracle cures and see such a spike in cancers? Healthcare costs are exploding into an unattainable realm and we suffer as many epidemic problems as ever. Mankind s ill health is only exceeded by the ill health of our planet. We have arrived at a time where mankind is now experimenting on itself and what is left of the natural world with genetics to be able to withstand the effects of a period of time that promised so much prosperity. There was a period of time that set in motion a cataclysmic chain of events from which we are the unfortunate benefactors. Mankind s fall from grace is still continuing today beautifully clothed in science and technology. The degradation has marched downward so slowly and steadily that nobody ever thought anything was wrong. Underneath this beautiful façade of technological promises lies a genetically modified existence that is sucking the life out of our home the Earth. That time was the industrial revolution. Before America was there was chain of events that began a downward spiral in the health of the planet and its inhabitants. We left the farms and sought the good life and prosperity that technology promised. The only problem was that nobody noticed that the micronutrients in the soil left with us. Of course we didn t notice nobody even knew what a micronutrient was but we took them none the less. We still don t know and it could be the cause of all cancer and 50% of all deaths worldwide. The future that we are creating now is irreparable; our only hope is our past. Meet the Essenes an ancient people who lived the life so many of us are searching for. By gleaning of their customs I have been able to incorporate some of their daily lifestyles into a new personal family sized agricultural lifestyle available even in urban neighborhoods. You can t save a world that doesn t want to be saved but you can save your family. Urban Crofting is about finding a way to counteract some of

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March 4, 2025

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