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Mercury Ultra Trace Analysis : Hydrargyrum from Diphenylthiocarbozone to Atomic Absorption (Paperback)

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Mercury Ultra Trace Analysis : Hydrargyrum from Diphenylthiocarbozone to Atomic Absorption (Paperback)
Product Description

Dr. Paul H. Ramses Gouda is a globally renowned chemist who authored several science books and papers. He has been credited with the foundation of several analytical laboratory procedures utilizing Atomic Absorption and Inductively Coupled Plasma for ultra trace analysis of As Se Sb &Hg. These Methods were officially adopted by EPL and by other agencies and - as routinely practiced in the scientific arena - they were named after him. The author who first attended medical school before specializing in analytical chemistry and pharmacological research has acquired two doctorates. His contributions to the scientific community include a recent paper on the unique concept of the duplication and manipulation of neurological compounds to trigger a natural and optimum physiological response. Tour the author s books at and his book-signing sessions at and his science project scheduled symposiums & seminars at This book offers a complete coverage of mercury analysis methodology. An analytical laboratory reference a chemist manual and a university textbook. A must for very library.

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Last updated
December 27, 2024

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