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Ketogenic Diet: A Treatment for Children and Others with Epilepsy 4th Edition Large Print 16pt Paperback 1458756106 9781458756107 John M. MD Freeman

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Ketogenic Diet: A Treatment for Children and Others with Epilepsy 4th Edition Large Print 16pt Paperback 1458756106 9781458756107 John M. MD Freeman
Product Description

This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: John M. MD Freeman ISBN10: 1458756106 ISBN13: 9781458756107 I was pushing my son Charlie in a swing when his head twitched and he threw his right arm in the air. That was the beginning of an agony I am without words to describe. Nine months later . Charlies seizures were unchecked his development delayed and he had a prognosis of continued seizures and progressive retardation. Since Charlie started the ketogenic diet he has been virtually seizure-free completely drug-free and a terrific little boy. He has had to remain on a modified version of the ketogenic diet after being on the full diet for two years but he goes to school and leads a normal happy life. One in five children with epilepsy has seizures that are resistant to medications. Even when seizures are fairly well under control medication may affect childrenC Us alertness and mental clarity impairing their ability to learn and reach their full potential. Many parents are looking beyond currently available medications for a satisfying solution to seizure treatment. The ketogenic diet is such an answer. This rigid mathematically calculated doctor-supervised diet is high in fat and low in carbohydrate and protein and strictly limits both calories and liquid intake. The diet helps to control seizures and allows many children to become both seizure-free and drug-free. This extensively updated edition covers the many advances that have been made in understanding how the diet works how it should be used and its future role as a treatment for children with epilepsy

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December 7, 2024

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