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Cats And All About Them (Paperback)

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Cats And All About Them (Paperback)
Product Description

PREFACE IT has been suggested to me by many of my catty friends that I should write a small handbook for cat fanciers. By arrangement with the Kennel Publishing Company I have been enabled to utilise the paragraphs of Practical Pussyology which have appeared during the last fifteen months in Our Cats. I have had many years experience with cats and kittens and have also a real love for them without which I do not believe any one to be a successful breeder and exhibitor of cats. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well and to combine profit with pleasure is a most desirable end to have in view. The object therefore of this little book is to assist cat lovers to become cat fanciers. I trust that it may be found helpful and instructive A lovely Blue female owned by Lady Marcns Beresfard and bred by Mrs. OBrien Clarke. Her sire was Goliath a superb cat for size and colour. Gentian was a prize-winner at Westminster in 1899 when her marvellous coat excited general admiration was bred by Rev. P. L. Cosway his present owner from Angela and 131ue Noble.....

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March 4, 2025

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