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Pre-Owned Countervisions (Paperback) 1566397766 9781566397766

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Pre-Owned Countervisions (Paperback) 1566397766 9781566397766
Product Description

9780070429536. Pre-owned: Good condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 864. Sewn binding. Paper over boards. 864 p. McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering. This text introduces the tools for the analysis and design of discrete-time systems. Starting with a review of fundamental theory it includes methods for the design of linear time-invariant discrete-time systems to meet prescribed design specifications. It also provides coverage of the analysis and effects of quantization of signal and system parameters due to finite word-length base implementation of systems. MATLAB exercises are used throughout the text to illustrate important concepts difficult analytical results and typical practical problems. The final chapter of the text focuses on important practical applications of digital signal processing.

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March 4, 2025

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