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Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components (Hardcover)

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Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components (Hardcover)
Product Description

Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. User-friendly compendium of mechanical devices A treasure chest of ideas and data Robert O. Parmley sIllustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components istestimony to centuries of engineering genius that produced the components that make modern mechanical wonders possible. Designed to stimulate new ideas thisunique lavishly illustrated and conveniently indexedreference shows you many designs and unique contributions hidden from technical literature for decades. This kaleidoscopic display of thousands of applications helps you find the perfect device quickly including: *Power transmission ù gears and gearing...chains sprockets and ratchets...belts and belting...shafts and couplings...clutches*Connections - seals and and pipe connections...bushings and bearings...locking and clamping...wire and cable*Single components - washers...retaining rings... o-rings...grommets spacers and inserts...balls..springs...pins...cams...threaded components*Assemblies: fastening and hints...mechansims...linkage...fabrication tips...innovative valving...pumps...creative assembliesYou ll also find design formulas structural data nomograms charts and unusual tables rarely found inconventional technical sources.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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