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Anglo-Boer War Diaries of Jan Geldenhuys (Paperback)

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Anglo-Boer War Diaries of Jan Geldenhuys (Paperback)
Product Description

Jan Geldenhuys was called up in October 1899 to serve in the Kroonstad Commando on the Western Front and deployed for the Siege of Kimberley. He fought at the Battles of Belmont Graspan Twee- Reviere (Modder River) Magersfontein and several other skirmishes. After Bloemfontein was occupied he teamed up with Braam Preller his father-in-law and adopted fight and flight tactics. His home was burnt down and wife interned in the Kroonstad Concentration Camp where his new-born daughter died. He was captured in April 1902 and banished as a prisoner of war to Umballa India where his experiences till Thursday 20th November 1902 were documented. He shared a tent with his father-in-law and later met up with his father and brother who were POW s at Bhimtal. His diaries are lodged with the Anglo-Boer War museum in Bloemfontein. The author s grandmother Lizzie Preller having published her Oorlogsherinneringe (memoirs) provided the inspiration to add this addition to African history.

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