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Studies in Continental Thought Infectious Nietzsche (Paperback)

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Product Name
Studies in Continental Thought Infectious Nietzsche (Paperback)
Product Description

Infectious Nietzsche is simply one of the most interesting and engaging works to appear on Nietzsche s philosophy in years. --David Allison Krell explores health illness and creativity in the life and thought of Friedrich Nietzsche. Drawing on a varied literature of philosophical reflections on health and analyzing Nietzsche s confrontation with traditional values Krell skillfully engages the legacy of Platonism and Western metaphysics that is at the core of Nietzsche s thought. Nietzsche s genealogical critique his doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same and the Nietzschean physiology and psychology of decadence are principal foci. Anyone interested in a philosophical reflection on questions of genius and pathology and all readers of Nietzsche will find Krell s new book compelling reading.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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