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Briars and Thorns: The Clockwork Girl (Series #1) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Briars and Thorns: The Clockwork Girl (Series #1) (Paperback)
Product Description

Briar is a principal ballerina with the Pacific Northwest Ballet displaced by a potentially career-ending knee injury thinking about ending her life when the dancer in her treasured childhood music box comes to life. Briar is the only one who can help Cora break the curse keeping her trapped and that means believing in fairy tales and witches and all the other beliefs she s long outgrown including belief in herself. While Cora s future starts looking brighter Briar can t help but think hers is only growing darker and perhaps ending her life might be the best decision she s ever made...for the both of them.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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