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Lemon Lean Diet 1500 (2 bottles x 30 Capsules)

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Product Name
Lemon Lean Diet 1500 (2 bottles x 30 Capsules)
Product Description

Cleanse and detoxify with our proprietary Lemon Cayenne Pepper and super popular Apple Cider Vinegar formulation to help reduce bloating promote digestive health be your one and only thermogenic fat and calorie burner. Helps boost your immune system.The all natural Lemon Diet has helped sufferers rid themselves of digestive and colon problems; chronic pain; allergies; high blood pressure and cholesterol; and even reduce the signs of diabetes. And the Lemonade Diet is most famous for being a fast effective and organic method of losing toxic body fat in the form of stubborn excess weight.The ultimate goal is to give the digestive tract a rest rid the body of chemical impurities mobilize and eliminate toxins stored in various parts of the body ward off illness the immune system was once too plagued to fight kill parasites lurking in the flora of intestinal walls and burn excess fat storage. Reduction in weight is a natural by-product of this diet as the ‘hard to burn’ toxins stored in fat deposits are released; thus the Lemonade Cleanse is considered to be a “reducing diet.”BENEFITS:* To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.* To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.* To cleanse and detoxify the colon tract.* To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.* To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.* To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves arteries and blood vessels.* To build a healthy blood stream.* To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our age.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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