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Mundial Scissors Titan Edge Titanium Thread Clip5

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Product Name
Mundial Scissors Titan Edge Titanium Thread Clip5
Product Description

Mundial Scissors and Shears come in a variety of sizes and colors and you can choose from scissors shears or trimmers. They are preferred by more quilters tailors and hair stylists around the world! All Mundial products will be free from defects in materials & workmanship during normal use as long as you own them. They are all guaranteed for life. Titan Edge Titanium Thread Clip 5 - Titanium Coated Scissors are constructed out of high quality materials that will make them outlast other scissors. They are great for sewing quilting and crafting projects. Each pair has a comfort grip handle so they are easy on your hands and have a Titan-edge for superior performance. They come in a variety of sizes that are lightweight. Quickly and easily snip loose threads and the ends of fabric.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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