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Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Passover : With Matzah Maror and Memories (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Passover : With Matzah Maror and Memories (Hardcover)
Product Description

9781426300189. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 32. Glued binding. Paper over boards. With dust jacket. 32 p. Contains: Illustrations. Holidays Around the World. Intended for a juvenile audience. The most celebrated holiday in the Jewish year Passover commemorates the Exodus of Hebrew slaves from Egypt to freedom over 3 500 years ago. This colorful book explores the many forms that this weeklong celebration takes worldwide. Deborah Heiligman s rich text details the long lavish meals called seders at which Exodus is recalled in ritual prayer song and story. The historical significance of the food at these Passover feasts is also explained and delicious recipes encourage readers to experience the full flavors of this internationally observed holiday. Rabbi Shira Stern s informative note provides parents and teachers with a historical and cultural background of the celebration of Passover. National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources. Visit ... for more information.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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