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Los Angeles Review: Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal (Paperback)

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Product Name
Los Angeles Review: Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal (Paperback)
Product Description

The LARB Quarterly Journal Summer 2016 issue features established and award winning writers. This issue highlights American poetry today with a new work from National Book Award winner Nathaniel Mackey and other outstanding poets including Peter Gizzi. Readers will also discover original short fiction by rising novelist Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi who won accolades for her debut novel Fra Keeler published through the innovative and quixotic Dorothy Project. The LARB Quarterly Journal is a testament to the fact that print is thriving as readers continue to have a profound appetite for curated edited smart and fun opinion written by the best writers and thinkers of our time. These carefully selected articles poems interviews and essays appeal to readers with wide-ranging interests and a love for the literary. The new issue of the LARB Quarterly Journal includes: - Feature essays by Anthony McCann Tom Stevenson Diana del Ángel David Biespiel Nancy Jooyoun Kim. - Original poetry by Anna Rose Welch Michael Klein Joanna Klink Richie Hofmann Nathaniel Mackey Peter Gizzi Ari Banias Diana Khoi Nguyen Rachel Eliza Griffiths - Short-takes by notable writers Paul Lisicky J. Malcolm Garcia and many others.

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March 10, 2025

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