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The Lost Boys 3-Film Collection (The Lost Boys / Lost Boys: The Tribe (Uncut) / Lost Boys: The Thirst) (Walmart Exclusive) (Steelbook) (Blu-ray)

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Product Name
The Lost Boys 3-Film Collection (The Lost Boys / Lost Boys: The Tribe (Uncut) / Lost Boys: The Thirst) (Walmart Exclusive) (Steelbook) (Blu-ray)
Product Description

THE LOST BOYS: After moving to a new town two brothers discover that the area is a haven for vampires. LOST BOYS: THE TRIBE: The follow-up to the cult classic horror film takes us back to the familiar shady surf city of Santa Carla where vampire surfers quickly dispatch anyone who tries to invade their turf. LOST BOYS: THE THIRST: Multi-arrow crossbow? Check. Holy water grenade launcher? Ready. Stake-shooting M134? Got that too. Edgar Frog is locked and loaded for his bloodiest badass battle yet with the undead.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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