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Old Havana Cookbook: Cuban Recipes in Spanish and English (Paperback)

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Product Name
Old Havana Cookbook: Cuban Recipes in Spanish and English (Paperback)
Product Description

Havana is one of the oldest and most picturesque cities of the western hemisphere. It was a popular winter destination for North American tourists in the 1950s and this cookbook recaptures the spirit of Old Havana-- Habana la vieja-- and its celebrated culinary traditions. Cuban cuisine though derived from its mother country Spain has been modified and refined by locally available foods like pork rice corn beans and sugar and the requirements of a tropical climate. Fine Gulf Stream fish crabs and lobsters and an almost infinite variety of vegetables and luscious tropical fruits also have their places on the traditional Cuban table. This cookbook includes over 50 recipes each in Spanish with side-by-side English translation-- all of them classic Cuban fare and old Havana specialties adapted for the North American kitchen. Among the recipes included are: Ajiaco (famous Cuban Stew) Boiled Pargo with Avocado Sauce Lobster Havanaise Tamal en Cazuela (Soft Tamal) Quimbombo (okra) Picadillo Roast Suckling Pig and Boniatillo (Sweet Potato Dulce) along with a whole chapter on famous Cuban cocktails and beverages.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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