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When Jean Grey returns from a watery grave the original X-Men reunite - as X-Factor! But for Marvel Girl Cyclops Beast Angel and Iceman posing as a mutant-hunting organization gets complicated fast! And things get worse when the ageless villain Apocalypse makes the scene! Then when X-Factor is drawn into the chaos of the Mutant Massacre Angel suffers a grievous injury and will be changed forever! As X-Factor rescues young mutants - including Leech Boom-Boom and Rictor - the Beast undergoes a radical metamorphosis Iceman battles alongside Thor tragedy pushes Cyclops to the brink of insanity and a traitor stalks the team from within! Will Apocalypse s Four Horsemen put the final nail in X-Factor s coffin? Collecting AVENGERS (1963) #263 FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #286 X-FACTOR (1986) #1-26 and ANNUAL #1-2 IRON MAN ANNUAL #8 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #282 THOR (1966) #373-374 and #377-378 POWER PACK (1984) #27 and #35 MEPHISTO VS. #2 INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) #336-337 SECRET WARS II #5 and material from MARVEL FANFARE (1982) #40 and CLASSIC X-MEN #8 and #43.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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